[Newbry] instilled in Echo a proud and winning heart unguarded against pain that, when fractured, left the audience in a similar state. Hers was an astonishingly natural, at times achingly heartfelt performance that will be difficult to surpass.
James Van Eaton – Fourth Wall Theatre Reviews - Eleemosynary
The play's standout performance belongs to Jenny Newbry, who portrays May. She completely inhabits the part. At times her body writhes and shakes, suggesting some past traumas only hinted at by the script, yet somehow deepening its impact.
Leela Ginelle – PQ Monthly - Fool for Love
Go see this play! A heartbreaking story [that is] is everything a one-woman-show should be. Don’t miss this powerhouse performance, you’ll be kicking yourself if you do!
Steve Welsh – Audience Member – Cinnamon and Cigarettes – San Francisco Fringe Festival
Fool for Love (May) - Photo Credit Matt Schneider
Boeing Boeing (Gretchen) - Photo Credit Garry Bastian
The Jolly Riot (Deckard) - Photo Credit Ray Lundgren
Bronte (Cathy) - Photo Credit Casey Campbell
Much Ado About Nothing (Don John) - Photo Credit Marlene Williams
Much Ado About Nothing (Don John) - Photo Credit Garry Louie
The Merchant of Venice (Portia)
Pericles (Director) - Photo Credit Fred Loucks